The Concrete Award honors outstanding buildings in architecture and civil engineering as well as material-specific developments.

The Concrete Award honors outstanding buildings in architecture and civil engineering as well as material-specific developments.

Submitted projects '25

About the Concrete Award

Since 1977, the Concrete Award has been awarded every four years for outstanding architecture in a holistic sense. The upcoming edition of the competition also aims to promote exemplary work with concrete.

Die Preisfamilie besteht aus dem klassischen Wettbewerb

The award family consists of the classic competition for the building construction category. With the 2025 edition, infrastructure projects will now also be honored. The jury can now award a special prize for a building that uses concrete as a building material in a particularly surprising, technically innovative or creative way.

The Beton Award is awarded by Betonsuisse, a joint venture of the building materials industry organizations involved in the value creation of concrete.

Categories of the Concrete Award

Award ceremony - Save the Date

Make a note of June 12, 2025! This is the day of the award ceremony for the Concrete Award 2025. The jury is currently evaluating the submitted projects and visiting the shortlisted projects on site.

Submitted projects '25

Winner of the Architecture Prize 2021

At 2335 meters above sea level, the Bernina is one of the highest Alpine passes in Switzerland. The railroad line of the Rhaetian Railway, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, a year-round road connecting the Upper Engadine with the Poschiavo Valley and a high-voltage power line run through the wild mountain landscape, in the center of which lies Lago Bianco. At this location, not far from the top of the pass, an operations building of considerable dimensions had to be erected.


Bernina Pass maintenance base, Poschiavo

The Bernina is one of the highest Alpine passes in Switzerland. An operations building had to be erected not far from the top of the pass. Exposed concrete is the logical choice for the extreme climate, the use and a supporting structure that uses as little material as possible. The Bernina Pass maintenance base continues to write Switzerland's history as a country of infrastructure buildings. The prize is therefore also a sign of the cultural value that the jury attaches to this often neglected type of building. The maintenance depot is designed for road maintenance in summer and snow clearing in winter.

News and stories

Questions for the jury president Prof. Dr. Jacqueline Pauli

Questions for the jury president Prof. Dr. Jacqueline Pauli

The jury for the Concrete Architecture Prize consists of nine outstanding experts who, as practitioners and academics, cover the entire spectrum of building culture - from architecture and urban planning to materials science and engineering. Jury President Prof. Dr. Jacqueline Pauli studied civil engineering at EPF Lausanne and ETH Zurich and has worked at ZPF Ingenieure since 2013. She has headed ZPF Consulting AG in Zurich since 2020 and was appointed Professor of Structural Design at the Department of Architecture at ETH Zurich in 2022....
more info


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