

The high-caliber jury

The jury for the Concrete Architecture Prize consists of nine outstanding experts. The panel includes both practitioners and recognized academics who cover the entire spectrum of building culture and specialist disciplines - from architecture and urban planning to materials science and engineering.

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Jury process

The jury's evaluation process takes place in three carefully planned steps:

  1. Preliminary examination and online evaluation
    After the preliminary review of the projects received, each jury member evaluates the submitted projects individually and online.
  2. Jury meeting and shortlist
    In a subsequent jury meeting, the evaluated projects are discussed and the favored projects are shortlisted.
  3. On-site visit and final selection
    In the final step, the jury inspects and assesses the projects on site. Only then are the winners of the three categories determined.

The entire jury process takes place behind closed doors. The jury's decisions are final and there is no right of appeal. No reasons need to be given for the elimination of entries. Further details can be found in the document "Concrete Award 25".

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